This is the most outrageous Thanksgiving activity we've ever done. And we couldn't be more excited. Submit your entries for this wacky competition by December 11th!
If you're looking for ways to support the hurricane relief efforts in Florida, we have some Catholic organizations working on the front lines you can support.
Our pilgrims to France would love to pray for you. Please submit your prayer requests and they will pray for you in the holiest places on their journey!
We are offering a brand new 6-week bible study that dives deep into money management from an authentically Catholic viewpoint. It begins March 21st; sign up today!
Pope Francis has called upon all Catholic churches to gather and collect ideas for the upcoming Synod on Synodality. We would love to hear your input at one of three listening sessions at Our Lady of Grace. Registration is required and spots are limited!
This year's Catholic Ministries Appeal to support our parish and diocese is now underway! Please learn more about how you can support vocations, ministries, and Catholic faith in our community!
Pope Francis is beginning a prayerful synod of the Catholic Church and will be seeking input from Catholics around the world. As this process begins, our diocese will be getting involved!
Our local St. Vincent de Paul organization is working to boost the local food pantry that serves Hamilton County. Our Justice & Charity Council shares how feeding the hungry is integral to following Christ and how we can do it right now in Noblesville!
As Catholics, we believe firmly in the sanctity of human life. Looking at survivors of gun violence is another angle at trying to understand gun violence in America and our faithful response.
We will be requiring reservations for Triduum and Easter Sunday liturgies this year. Reservations open on Friday, March 26th at 8pm. All Triduum and Easter liturgies will also be live-streamed.
There is Hope for Haiti. The OLG Haiti Ministry embodies the Catholic Social Teaching about rights and responsibilities and dignity for all. Our Sister Parish at Saint Louis de Sud and St. Patrick School provided a wonderful update about enhancements at the school, like a new computer lab, tree nursery and mobile health clinic. OLG has had a 30+ year relationship with the people of Haiti. We remember back when it all started and explain how your monetary support continues to help Haitian students and families.
The most sacred time of the year is an opportunity to celebrate the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ. Join us for the parish community events during Holy Week, culminating with the celebration of Easter on April 3-4, 2021!
In the fall of 2020, leaders of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops opened their annual meeting by calling on clerics to advocate for certain public policies, such as legislation that could limit gun violence. Learn more about this pro-life cause.