Free Covid-19 vaccines available to children over 12 and adults. To register call 211.
It’s summertime but school is starting. A pop-up vaccination clinic is scheduled for Sheridan High School to hopefully reach rural residents who want the vaccine.
Learn more. Within Hamilton County, vaccination rates vary. Those who live south of Hwy 32 have the highest vaccination rates. One zip code in Westfield is at 90% vaccinated. But north of SR 32 is a different story. Data shows Atlanta has the lowest vaccination rate at 39%, followed by Sheridan at 45% and Arcadia at 46%. All are primarily rural areas. Hamilton County has 50 Covid-19 Vaccine Clinics, but only two are north of Hwy 32.
Find a Covid-19 Vaccine Clinic. Or call 866-211-9966 to pre-register for an appointment.
What can we do a Catholic Christians to help our neighbors and all parishioners at OLG during this pandemic?
There are many good works happening every day by OLG parishioners. Please, continue to check in on each other, by phone or in-person (at a distance of course). Does someone need a ride to a vaccination clinic? To Mass? Or help with food delivery?
Covid-19 has caused fear. Fear often keeps us from moving forward. It can also bottle up emotions can cause isolation. Let us come together to show our “oneness”, united in heart and in our Catholic teachings and Creed.
Also, let us celebrate the teens who were Confirmed on Aug. 1 at OLG. Invite them to become active, engaged parishioners. Help them be as safe as they can be as they start the new school year. During a recent service event with some of the Confirmandi, the mentor asked the students who were cooking meals for those in need: What’s the secret ingredient that you are putting in the spaghetti sauce and chocolate chip cookies? Their answer was, “An extra scoop of LOVE.”