For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.
Each time we meet a stranger we have a wonderful opportunity to do good.
My son and I were walking from his apartment in the city to a restaurant he wanted to take me to. Along the way there was a man decidedly underdressed for the January weather. He was in a doorway with one leg straight out and on his thigh was a tan bandage around a wound that had slightly leaked through. I had walked on by a bit before this registered on me.
My adult son is a very good person but not religious. So, in part to do some good for the stranger and in part to be a teaching moment I turned back to the man in the doorway and gave him some money. The man accepted the money, then my son and I continued on to the restaurant taking seats in the window of this brownstone building that no doubt had some apartments above.
We placed our order and started to talk when the man I gave the money to entered the restaurant. He sat down at a table and the owner came to take his order. The owner asked him what he wanted – he said Food! quite emphatically and gave all of the money I had given him to the owner.
I’m a bit embarrassed to say I had not given a lot of money so I got up and went to the owner and explained to him how this man appeared to be homeless, or at least in a bad situation and that I would cover his bill, whatever it may be. At that the owner replied that he would take care of it. I guess I was quite overcome with the owner’s gesture as I had the impression that he was so peaceful, even angelic.
My son and I ate and it was a good meal. The stranger ate too. He must have been quite hungry as it seemed I could see several plates of food one after another placed at his table. Perhaps that is my imagination. And here I have to confess my second, and really quite regrettable, mistake. As we got the bill, I doubled the amount and motioned my son to get up and we left before the owner could give us change. To this day I wonder if I took away or interfered with the owner’s opportunity to give. It's probably a regret I will always have.
This was some years ago. I pray for discernment as a friend of mine once suggested. I think it is a good idea. Every stranger is an opportunity. Be open to that moment when those truly in need present themselves to you. You may find the result surprising and enlightening.