Let's wait in joyful hope together during the season of Advent. Our Advent Parish Mission, Our Lady of Guadalupe celebration, and Advent Penance Service are some of the many activities happening during this season at Our Lady of Grace.
You can now listen to each Sunday's homilies on your podcast platform. Re-listen or share with family to make your listening time just a little holier!
We have an exciting project happening at Our Lady of Grace this fall. We will be giving our sanctuary a "makeover" that includes beautiful new artwork, liturgical elements, and a tabernacle behind the altar. Find out more about this important project at OLG!
Each year, we share a report about what is happening at Our Lady of Grace. We want you to take a look to hear some stories of wonderful witnesses of faith, be up-to-date on our parish's financial situation, and to get excited to invest yourselves in our community!
Griefshare is an opportunity for those going through the loss of a loved one. Although we are often asked to endure this pain alone, Griefshare allows grievers to seek Christ's healing as a community.
Our Lady of Grace young adults are preparing daily e-reflections for you all during Lent. We'd love to journey with you as we reflect on each day's Gospel.
In-person Masses are returning at OLG, and we're excited to welcome our parishioners back home. The new Mass schedule will be Saturdays at 4:00pm (for high-risk patients) & 6:00pm and on Sundays at 8:00am, 10:00am, Noon (Spanish), & 6:00pm. Masses will have limited seating and many safety precautions.
Public celebration of the Mass is set to resume May 30-31, 2020, with limited participation. We will be sharing instructions and more information soon!
Our Faith Formation staff have put together numerous resources for you to use during Holy Week and beyond in your homes during this time of pandemic. Please continue to make space to grow in faith during this time!
Masses will now be celebrated via Facebook Live everyday at 9:00am in English and on Sundays at 11:00am in Spanish. We look forward to celebrating with you from a distance!
El equipo de Evangelización llevará a cabo este retiro por tercer año consecutivo. Este retiro es ideal para personas que buscan acercarse mas a la Iglesia y tener una experiencia mas cercana con Cristo y la comunidad.
Fecha: 2 de Mayo de 2017 Durante este taller discutiremos los aspectos básicos de cómo darle una formación cristiana sólida y duradera a nuestros hijos. Nosotros como padres somos el pilar sobre el cual nuestros hijos aprenderán a relacionarse y comportarse en todos los niveles de su vida (escolar, iglesia, trabajo, amistades, etc). Qué podemos hacer para prepararlos de una manera integral?
Fecha: 14 de Marzo de 2017 Para concer el verdadero significado de la Eucaristía, su valor, las partes que la componen. Cuál es el comportamiento adecuado antes, durante y al final de la misa?